

December 5, 2022

Reading time: 3 min

Released in early 2022, the destination magazine, global communication and the tourist office website continue to be talked about for this end of the year. 5 nominations for 4 prizes won. A grand slam for the teams of the tourist office!

3 times winner of the communication trophies

Every year and for more than 20 years, the Communication Awards®, under the governance of the association WEXCOM (a non-profit and independent law 1901 organization), reward the best communication actions and the best communicators in the public service and the business world, at the national level.

For 2022, the tourist office has submitted 4 application files in 4 categories in order to promote the major actions that have punctuated the year. 3 were rewarded by the jury:

logo premier prix trophee de la com Wexcom

🥇 The 1st place in the category Best tourist office website (funded by LEADER), with the first intermunicipal tourist website, released in April 2022

🥈 The 2th place in the category Best News Magazine, with " Shell & Half-timbering », the new destination magazine released in January 2022 and produced in collaboration with the agency Photo911.

🥉 The 3th place in the category Best communication action on a specific theme carried out by a public body, with the global communication campaign “ We fold in 4 », released in May 2022

Trophée de la communication

Beautiful awards presented during the ceremony which took place in Paris on November 25th.

Retrospective in a few figures:

  • 21rd edition
  • more than 400 application files
  • 32 categories
  • 4 files submitted by the tourist office
  • 3 awards

2 nominations for Norman trophies

The work of the tourist office was also underlined the day before, on November 24, during the presentation of the Norman trophy prizes by the Press and Communication Club (CPC) of Normandy.

Like the WEXCOM association, the Normandy CPC rewards Norman media and communication players.

Nominated in two categories: Displays and Signage, for the campaign We fold in 4 " and Edition, for the destination magazine (in collaboration with the agency Photo911); L'Tourist Office stood out among the other competitors by obtaining the prize for the best edition 2022.

trophée de la communication normand

Retrospective in numbers:

  • 12 categories (7 in communication, 5 in press)
  • + than 100 attendees
  • 2 nominations for the tourist office
  • 1er price

National recognition, a guarantee of quality

Obtaining these distinctions allows the Normandy Cabourg Pays d'Auge tourist office to shine beyond its borders. By becoming a winner, it is the work, the investment and the know-how of the teams of the office that are valued.

These distinctions are a source of great pride. And I appreciate them all the more because the whole team has contributed to these successes.

Solène GÉRARD, Communications Manager

It is also a guarantee of quality that allows us to maintain a relationship of trust with our tourism stakeholders and elected officials.

These awards attest to part of the progress made since the merger, the strategic choices made during the health crisis, but also the investment of all the OTI teams.

Patrice BOULAIS, Managing Director