A sense of celebration. The impatience to experience memorable moments, to live in the here and now. It's time to pack your bag and discover the events we have lined up for you.
Financial fraud and phishing, we take stock of the methods used by fraudsters with vacation rental owners and the vigilance to be paid to certain requests. Summary: Financial fraud What is phishing? Precautions to take The latest frauds recorded Financial frauds, the most […]
In the tourism sector, eating local and tasting local products are part of the experience. How to get supplies in our territory? What are the advantages of favoring the short circuit? How to communicate on the subject? The tourist office gives you some keys to staying or becoming a locavore restaurant. Summary: Listing […]
By Jocelyne, August 17, 2023Reading time: 4 min(s)
Understanding the challenges of Google My Business, adopting good practices to manage your establishment file: the tourist office gives you some essential keys to know. Contents: Google in a few figures What exactly is Google My Business? Create, consult, modify my Google business listing: a giant not to be overlooked in the customer experience […]
The observatory holds a strategic place in decision-making at the local and inter-municipal level. Observe and analyze with the aim of understanding and co-constructing: discover how it works and how you can access the data. Summary: What is an observatory for? Why set up an observatory? […]
CGU, VIT space, modifications of my data: find below all the information to understand the usefulness of Tourinsoft, the benefit of being referenced there and the tips for updating the file of your establishment. Tourinsoft, what is it? What is this tool, Tourinsoft, that your partner referent regularly mentions? It is a basic […]
By Benjamin, October 5, 2022Reading time: 4 min(s)