You are a professional of the territory and you wish to be accompanied and gain visibility? Discover without further delay the partnerships relating to your activity and how to subscribe to them!

The advantages of partnership with the tourist office

Becoming a partner means:

  • Offer yourself enhanced visibility through the presence of your offer on our digital and print communication media, but also through the added value provided by our stay advisers;
  • Benefit from the highlighting of your establishment according to the opportunities of press reception and promotional actions of the tourist office.

Opportunities that boost your visibility

jeu concours Saint Valentin

But becoming a partner also means:

  • Belong to a network of dynamic professionals and give yourself the opportunity to develop great joint initiatives;
  • Be in contact with a local interlocutor to facilitate exchanges;
  • Benefit from an accompaniment in the knowledge of the territory thanks to our destination training and educational tours set up by your office.

Becoming a partner is the assurance of a win/win relationship

The tourist office, a media at your service

Find our promotional tools to strengthen your visibility

Did you know?

Each year from October, the partner referents come to meet you and present the new services put in place.

To find out more about the duration of partnerships, registration dates, etc., contact the referent in your area to fix a meeting.


The Poterie du Mesnil de Bavent, DUPONT with a tea, the Desvoye cider farm and many other local socio-professionals place their trust in us. Discover their testimonials without further delay!