It is at nightfall, in July and August, that the sky of our territory crackles and sparkles with a thousand and one colors. Without further delay, discover the fireworks which, with your eyes turned towards the Norman sky, will leave you dreaming!

August fireworks

  • August 10, 22:30 p.m. in Cabourg, on the beach
  • August 18, 22 p.m. at Merville-Franceville-Plage, on the beach
  • August 24, in Cabourg all along the beach (burning during the Dinner on the Digue)
  • August 25, in Houlgate on the beach
  • August 27, at the Cabourg racecourse, after the last race

Are you wandering through Calvados? here the best events of summer 2024, including other fireworks throughout the territory.

The other fireworks of the territory

Apart from the summer season, another time will also make your eyes sparkle during the year. It takes place in February during Cabourg romantic capital, an event that celebrates Valentine's Day with fireworks under the watchful gaze of lovers.

Other times, eyes turned to the sky!

Houlgate Plein Vent


Houlgate Plein Vent

Du May 10 au 11 May 2025